Passive Gymnastics Mississauga

Active and passive gymnastics in Mississauga are a perfect way to get better and faster results!


Physical exercise is not only good for the body but also for the mind with a good diet. When you exercise, your body generates chemicals that generate a feeling of well-being; it improves the quality of sleep.  Also, mild depression and low self-esteem can be treated through exercise. Another benefit is the feeling of pride and accomplishment in reaching your goals regardless of whether it is to lose weight for health, beauty, elasticity, or breaking personal or public records. These are some of the benefits of using passive and active gymnastics in Mississauga while you are training; not only to get better and faster results but also to keep healthy with less effort. Knowing this, you can start changing your life right now through our personalized training programs.

By losing weight you are not only improving your physical appearance but you are also significantly reducing the probability of suffering from diseases such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, obesity, etc. The constancy of the exercise and will allow to have a stable weight as well as to age better externally and internally. One of the best examples is osteoporosis, which can occur on our way to old age; thanks to the constant practice of exercise it reduces over time. It happens because of the strengthening of the bones.

All gyms offer active exercises that have been touted for decades for their benefits on the body and mind. Lately, the benefit of mixing them with passive gymnastics has surfaced.

But what is passive gymnastics?

Medicine uses passive gymnastics in Mississauga as a technique that works through electrostimulation. This means that it generates electrical impulses, through conductive electrodes, which go directly to the muscles. In this way, the signal sent by the brain for the muscles to move simulates active exercise; the stimulus becomes contraction, strengthens the tissue, and eliminates the liquids retained in it. In other words, better results with less effort!

This way to work the organism, in addition to being harmless, simulates certain work that is done when training. There is also a machine that uses the same method to mobilize the joints, but with therapeutic benefits. It can be an addition for all the people who carry out some sporting activity during the week. In this way, during the weekend they will rest but will continue to stimulate their muscles. This way they will be able to continue training from home, but not in an intense and arduous way like the other days. All our training programs follow this structure to do not create extreme pain the next day.

Each stimulation session lasts 30 to 45 minutes and can be applied in different areas. These can be the buttocks, hips, stomach, legs, and arms. After each part receives contractions for a period, this is when muscle toning and firming occurs.

It can be used in these parts because these are the areas where the muscle needs to be strengthened the most.  Also, it is where the most are sought to define the tone and increase the elasticity of the skin. Likewise, they are the parts of the greatest flaccidity and the ones that are most worked on in slimming processes. Both to eliminate cellulite and to drain the facial and body lymphatic part.

Passive gymnastics

Benefits of doing gymnastics passively while practicing sports or exercising

  • Doing passive gymnastics in Mississauga brings several benefits both for athletes and for people who need therapy. Here I tell you some of the advantages that this type of exercise produces.
    • Increases muscle tone, burns fat and fights to sag.
    • It is recommended as a postpartum treatment as it is a tonic stimulus and increases consistency.
    • Muscle stimulation serves to rehabilitate inactive areas.
    • It removes the muscles and prevents them from atrophying after being inactive for a long time.
    • Improves and favours blood and lymphatic circulation within the body.
    • Faster results in terms of muscle reactivation
    • Free of harm and contraindications within 90% of the population
    • Prevents rheumatism due to it has anti-inflammatory effects.
    • It combats the stiffness of ligaments and the lack of flexibility in muscles.
    • Calms muscle aches
    • Relieves the symptoms of heavy legs
    • Helps prevent cramps
    • It gives relaxation massages.

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