Mental Health

Mental health

..and my mental health

5 mental health tips to help you tackle 2022 - Los Angeles TimesMental Health

Overwhelmed.  That’s how I’m feeling.  And I know many other students who are feeling the same way.

With the start of a new semester and new schoolwork load on my shoulders as well as my job I’m feeling it.  I didn’t feel it as much last semester, but I am definitely feeling it this semester.

Trying to fix that feeling fast enough or if I just need to work through those feeling right now. I know that I have too to persevere through this semester and the last few courses through my program.  A lot of college and university student feel that way and know exactly what I am talking about.

Mental health concerns and issues are on the rise, and I am feeling that these days.  I think we must remember that we all go through this and that we all share some of these feeling and we need to remember to be kind to not only ourselves but to those around us.  You never know what someone is going through and/or what thoughts might be swimming around in their heads.

After covid especially, these past few years and now going back to school and the new work load it is definitely getting to me.  It is hitting me and has been hitting me hard these last few weeks and months.  Knowing that mental health issues are on the rise and that and that I’ve dealt with mental health in the past, I know the key resources and things to help me in these break downs.

What Help Me

Breathing and meditation helps a lot. With the nice weather finally here going out doors and enjoying the sun and fresh air has also helped me.  Playing with my dogs is also the key in helping.

If you do not have a pet ask a friend to go for a walk or listen to some positive music.  I know the best thing for me is to get outside and plan out some thing that will help me get over this bump in the road.

There is some positive to this however, that there are places for us to go and/or people that we can talk to, to help us through these feeling.  Whether it is through our school or our personal teams at home.

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